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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lord of the Flies: Q1


  • What is the major theme of this novel?
    The major theme of this novel, "The Lord of the Flies", relates mostly to the human nature itself. The internal conflict between Ralph and Jack points out the major theme of the novel, which is that rules, orders, organization, and society holds everyone together; without these conditions and environments, our purposes, ideals, and the discernment of what is right and wrong are lost. Without the severe and rigid rules that the society has, anarchy and savagery can be applied to our lives very easily and unnoticeably. It also points out that all human beings have evil nature innately, but we also have the power to overcome this vice. Because of the evil nature born into them, this reveals the loss of human innocence, like the example in the novel.
  • Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

    History repeats itself. What was needed in the old days will be required to live for a teenager living in 2007. To survive in the tough competition in this era, teenagers have to be ready for any evil deeds that will be bestowed upon them. Teenagers nowadays try to ignore the society’s rules and often forget what the purpose of their life is. The novel is clearly showing us the result of the chaos of society; society without rules and orders, and without adults who could lead them to a more mature decision. Teenagers these days should be constantly reminded that rules and laws hold us together, and without these organizations, we also will be too confused to be able to live in this chaotic world.

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