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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lord of the Flies: Q2

  • Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel?
  • What are they, and how do they relate?
  • Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved for "fixed"?
  • This situation is not a very current situation, but I really think that it relates to the novel very well. In 1950, there was a war between the Korean democracy party and the communist party. The conflict continued and it resulted in a war that separated Korea into two countries. In the novel, Jack’s group is like the communist party who just do what they want without thinking of others but themselves. Ralph’s group is the democracy party, that listen and concern about others, trying to figure out what is right or wrong, together.
  • The novel is showing us that those people that overcomes the difficulties and stand up is the democracy group. To look at the Republic of Korea, by economics, technology, education, and government, we are exceeding level of the Communist of Korea (North Korea). When I was reading the novel, it was hard for me to picture the situation in the novel to the real life, but as I was thinking about my country, it just made me so emotional and sad that these kinds of small conflicts can result in some serious consequences, like the divide of one country and one nation, or even taking away the precious life of many people.

I was also wondering and thinking, ‘from when did we start to divide and result in a “war” or enemies. Do we really still have the violent and sinful nature a lot in the inner side of us?’ I think this is why God is still not punishing the world fiercely like He did in Noah’s time, because this is what God is expecting for us, Christians to do. He want us to go out and spread the real truth to those who are still wandering for the real purpose of their lives and looking for the evil nature of themselves and how would they apply it to the world. The reason why God is still about these problems is because He wants us, Christians, to see and lead them to the right path. These kinds of situation like the novel, is still happening in the real life, and those people should be reminded one more time that they also have the kind nature in themselves, and it is much harmless than the revealing of evil and savagery nature.


JESSICA* said...

Yo Gracee:)!! You too have pooh as your main pic, right?! kekeke:) I didn't read this book so I don't know what's going on, but I think it's a great book since it can be related to the separation of Korea! I startled when you said "Do we really still have the violent and sinful nature a lot in the inner side of us?" because I don't really have an answer for it. I like how you connected it to christian life. Nicely done♥

Hanna Sohn said...
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Hanna Sohn said...

Oh. I like your idea that comparing this book with South and North Korea's situation. My current situation was talking about Hwang Woo Suk and your current situation is creative thinking.
"The novel is showing us that those people that overcomes the difficulties and stand up is the democracy group." This part describes this situation really well and I also agree that you thought of war.