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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lord of the Flies: Q8

  • Put entry of your choice.


I was so confused with the novel, because I knew that the book was trying to metaphase something but I just couldn’t understand it. This is the reason why I read the book one more time during the break, and I still don’t think that I fully understand the novel as others do, but there definitely are some metaphors and symbols in the novel that the author is trying to tell us about the theme.

The beginning of the novel starts out with the plane crash. This shows and symbolizes the destruction of this world right now. How this world is so contaminated by the act of people’s evil nature. The adults, who could hold them with rules and orders, are all dead and there seems to be no public orders without them.

Ralph, the chosen leader of the group, symbolizes and represents the democracy world that we all want, and he basically shows us that society rules are what hold us together. On the contrary, Jack, the main rival of Ralph, represents the anarchy and savagery of human instinct. He is one of the groups of people in this world who doesn’t care about the laws and the orders and rules that we have. Piggy, the follower of Ralph, also shows the democracy world, but he also shows the intelligence of the people in the world. There are people who just have to prove everything scientifically, intellectually, and logically. However, when those people exceed the level of normal people’s thinking, they might get ignored by the society, like the situation in the novel. Simon, in this novel, is like Christ Jesus, when we metaphase as the Bible. He has kind nature, and doesn’t want to be involved in the evil acts of people. Roger is the devil Satan, who follows Jack, and later on becomes crueler than Jack.

The Beast is the evil nature that all human beings have. This is probably the main start of Jack’s evil conducts. The Lord of the Flies represents the evil conducts that we are showing outside. The Beast is related to the Lord of the Flies by being the origin and primary opening to the evil world. At the very last part of the novel, the Navy officer comes, which I think, is the metaphor of the coming Christ.
I really enjoyed reading this book, even though it was very hard understanding the real meaning of the book. It really made me disappointed of how the world is so contaminated these days. However, it also gave me strength and hope that we as Christians should head up first and try to implant the right thoughts in people’s mind. I hope my next novel “Fahrenheit 451” will be as meaningful and inculcating as the first novel.


Appearing Offline said...

Over those 8 questions, I personally think you really nailed the ideas behind this novel. It is a tough novel to read first time around and personally I had to read it three or four times before I fully understood it, but I really enjoyed reading your posts!

Anonymous said...

Great job on figuring out the symbolism and metaphors of the novel! I agree with you completely. I think the beginning of the novel represents a "what if" situation more than a "it is" situation simply because we have proof that we have a working society.
Anyways, I think Golding was trying to show us how evil our own nature is, and what would happen without a good society with good rules for us to follow. He was definitely criticizing the current society with the plane crashing and the boys going crazy, however, I think the author was showing us, "if we continue our trend...then this would happen..."
Great analysis!!