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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Animal Farm: Q1

  • What is the major theme of this novel?

Nobody in this world would hate ‘power’. We all admire power, and people in this world nowadays worship the powerful ones. The theme of this novel much relates to power. Power can lead us to nowhere. Once we have it, we can’t let it go, because of the greediness that all human nature have. Even though people with power tend to go to the right path, they sometimes lose their ideals and relay too much on their power, because it’s the temptation of dictatorship that we all have. In the novel, Napoleon, the leader of the Animal Farm takes over and has dictatorship over the animals. First, it seemed like everything was better than they were when human were in charge, but later on, the pigs turn out to be worse than the humans. Eventually, they get to the point where the animals worship the pigs and work for them. The use of power in Napoleon’s situation was the worst, because Napoleon was too concentrating on the little detail, the windmill, that he couldn’t care about the whole society. The major theme in this novel is that power will eventually contaminate our minds, our values toward the society, and our ideals, because of the endless cupidity and greed we have in our inner side. Unless we put our first priority to God the most High, we all are to be declining toward the selfishness of our selves.

  • Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

Teenagers living in 2007 are the ones who would lead this world in the next generation. The reason why this theme is so important to them is because we might fall into the same situation as the novel. They should realize that the ambition of self-seeking will eventually lead us to failure, because that’s how all human nature react to. We shouldn’t deny the fact that we have endless greed in our heart, but we should try to think about how to overcome this difficulties and mistakes that our ancestors made.

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