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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Animal Farm: Q4

  • What is the climax of this novel? What happens?

It was really hard to find the climax of this novel, because every part of the novel was so exciting and surprising. The climax of this novel is in Chapter 5, where Napoleon orders the dogs to attack Snowball. Snowball, who was worshiped by the animals for making the Windmill plans, was chased by the dogs and barely maintained his life. On the assembly, where Snowball was going make a speech to announce that the plan is completed and the works has to be started, the dogs came from somewhere after Napoleon’s little sign, and started chasing after Snowball. It was so obvious that Napoleon had ordered them, because for one reason, there were increasingly lots of disagreements growing between them, and for another, the dogs were the ones who were especially trained by Napoleon since they were young. Without Snowball, Napoleon gained too much power and had dictatorship over the animals that the story ends with showing shameful destruction of the leadership.

  • How do the events of this novel make you feel?

This event made me so surprised of the fact that they do such things because of the ambition of gaining power. It was so disappointing to see that even people nowadays try everything, regardless of the rules and society, to just gain that power. I think all humans have the self-centered mind, and we never can stop looking for our own benefit unless we are like Jesus, which we never can. Even though we try to avoid the temptation of gaining power, we can’t ignore the innate nature in our heart. Since this is a ‘fact’ that we have to admit, we should just straighten up our minds and look for the big picture of something.

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