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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Animal Farm: Q5

  • What is the mood of this novel?
  • What happens?
  • How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The mood of this novel is very opinionated, intense, and strict. The novel starts out with Mr. Jones, the owner of the Manor Farm, being careless about the security of the farm. Old Major, the old pig who had a severe speech about rebellion, begins to convince the animals about the plan of rebelling. The speech was very opinionating and fierce about the plan. By the first taste of the novel, I could feel that this novel is going to be about two opinions, fighting over the power and authority. Even though they made strict rules to follow and started off intensely, later on, the rules didn’t seem like it mattered because of the change the pigs made for their benefit. The reason why I thought that this is a strict-toned novel is because this novel was all about being under one’s control and power. Having the ‘Seven Commandments’ also symbolizes the holding of society between the animals. When Napoleon orders them to make the windmill, even though he doesn’t do it, Napoleon makes harsh commands that eventually bring to failure of no food and destruction of windmill.

These made me think that rule is not the only thing to hold us as a society. In the novel that I read for my first book, I just thought that rules are the ones that hold us as a society and bring us together. However, by reading this novel, I felt that rule is important, but the value we have in each other and our cooperative minds bring us together. I think the reason why the animals couldn’t make a good society even with the rules was because they were too simple-minded. They were dragged off to Napoleon’s idea and thinking that the failure of Napoleon itself brought the whole society to become ruined.

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