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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Animal Farm: Q8

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After reading “Animal Farm”

When I just grabbed this book, the thickness of the book drew my attention. I had only three weeks to finish my book and my ‘bloggings’, which I thought that this book would be perfect for it. As I was reading through the novel, I found it very funny of what the animals thought of the humans. I will have to say that I was disappointed by the animals, but I was more disappointed to the humans. This novel has two leaders: the human leader and the animal leader. They all lack successful skills to become the right leader.

First of all, the human leader, Mr. Jones, could’ve been more responsible for what he was doing and what he was supposed to do. If he was just more cautious about the security of the farm, he wouldn’t have lost everything. One of the themes of this novel is that irresponsible acts bring to ‘lost of success’. If Mr. Jones had the right amount of dictatorship, not too little but not too much, since he was the one ruling over them, this Manor Farm would’ve worked peacefully. However, this incautious act of human lead to the lost of everything.

Secondly, the animal leader, Napoleon also lost his “people”, even though the windmill was built and everything looked successful. The dictatorship later disappointed the animals and brought them to have rebellious minds. The main reason that brought Napoleon into extreme selfishness and failure was because of his over-powered dictatorship. He only thought of himself and was self-centered about everything he decided. If he was more democratic and thought more about the society he was responsible for, I surely guarantee the readers that the animals would’ve taken over the human possession.

This book gives some advices that leaders that would lead the world next generation should be aware of these things, because this is a human nature that we were innately born with it. By reading this novel, I started thinking more about the “right and wrong” leadership. I think this is a very good book, using symbolism, trying to reveal the wrongness of leadership these days.

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