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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Animal Farm: Q3

  • Who are the main characters in the novel?
  • Do you like them? Why or why not?

  • What is special about them?

  • What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The pigs-Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer, are the main characters in this novel. When the Rebellion first started, they were collaborating with the opinions and united in one. They were equally in power over the animals, just because of the reason that they are more intelligent than others. However, they fall into a great failure, when they start to divide by different opinions.

Napoleon: He is the worst character, and is the one who accuses others for his own good. He is cruel and evil with the ambition of gaining the power and eventually, he does, when most of the opinionated animals are dead. As we compare him to the Russian Revolution, Napoleon is Joseph Stalin, who tries to gain the highest power with military forces and cruelness. I am so against the people like Stalin or Napoleon, because they are just so self-seeking. They live for themselves, and rely on themselves too much. They reveal the evil greediness that all humans have.

Snowball: Snowball is the main opponent of Napoleon. He is like Leon Trotsky in the Russian Revolution, who is intelligent and supportive with his opinion. The reason why Snowball is my best character is because Snowball is a socialist. He works for the good of others, and even though he never got the highest power, I could anticipate that he would’ve made a better society. Even though he was the most intelligent one, he didn’t force himself to gain the highest power, because he knew that it didn’t really matter when they are all one. He reveals the innocent enthusiasm, only for the good of the society.

Squealer: Squealer is the one who works as the ‘loyal secretary’ of Napoleon. Even though he knows that Napoleon’s decision is not always right, he tries his best to persuade others. If we compare this novel as the world right now, he is one of those people who bribes and tries to live for the benefit of its own self. Squealer reveals the empty minds humans have, trying to look good in front of the higher people (even though they don’t really mean it) and gather things for their own benefit.

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